Are you wondering what is the best channel or format to advertise your product or service online Then you will surely have come across the terms Native Display but is one really better than the other What are the characteristics of native advertising and what are display ads If you too are asking yourself all these questions youve come to the right place In todays article we will see in more detail what the respective characteristics of Native Display advertising are when to prefer one over the other and when to use them simultaneously.
To discover all the marketing and sales solutions Retail Email List we offer request a free consultation Display vs Native ads what is Native advertising and what are its characteristics Before delving into the comparison between Native Display lets understand better what is meant by native advertising and what are the peculiarities that characterize it and distinguish it from other online advertising. The greatest peculiarity of this type of advertising is the fact that it camouflages itself and adapts to the context in which it is inserted.
This leads the user to not be annoyed because he does not perceive the ad as an interruption to his experience. Both the native ad and the landing page for example within an editorial portal will integrate and be consistent with the editorial context in which they are hosted so much so that they truly appear to be native content. Native advertising in fact makes great use of content marketing and storytelling its objective is to give the user something the content they expect to find in the context in which they find themselves.