And KISSmetrics has actually a phenomenal in-depth article on remarketing . retargeting in services specifically . and they give you sort of a pros and cons approach . things like that. The ones that I’ve had the most exposure to basically fall into three types of categories. And all three of these are about doing exactly what Visual Website Optimizer did . using your own website . because someone’s already come to it . to then direct them to the place that not only fits where they’d like to go . but fits where you’d like them to go. So some simple ones . first off . coupons . free shipping coupons . discount coupons . before with retargeting. A great resource for that is Fanplayr − that’s without an “E.
” And then the banner blindness thing comes up often. And . in fact . Infoli Cameroon WhatsApp Number List actually registered the domain name So I’m not sure exactly how − I’m sure it’s not like a non-profit website . but the dot-org always makes me feel warm. And they’ve got these variety of what they call in-fold . in-text . in-tag where you can have your banner at the bottom of the screen static . kind of like a Hello Bar . but at the bottom instead of the top. You can actually tag keywords . so that they become hyperlinked to these advertisements . so if someone hovers over the keyword that they used to get to that page . it then sends them to the product itself or the next step in that process.
So that’s for product ads. And then the third one . this one actually I just discovered. I didn’t even include it in the article for . Dan Levy: All right . breaking news . I love it. Aaron Orendorff: News . yeah. I might just be late to the game . but this is a service called Trendemon . with just one “D .” Trend E-M-O-N. And this is really great for content marketers . for bloggers that are selling a service or a subscription or a membership site. And it tries to actually replace the kind of for-further-reading stuff you often see at the bottom of blog posts. Usually . it’s just generated automatically by either what’s most recent or what’s most popular. With Trendemon . they actually go in and identify what are the most lucrative paths .