Ad advanced parts. Training in video format. The video language is English but has Russian subtitles. Take a quiz in every class. Actual task winners will have access to the Actual Advertising Store account. Anyone can learn at any time you just need an account. Courses Students The joint course of the School of Social Networking and Creative Thinking explains its basics and workings. Topics covered include strategy, audience segmentation, community. ; p2 g$ c1 c6 J
/ i6 j! ? ^( W0 mManagement, community tools and their promotion in. You can go anytime last database for free. network marketing courses and free intensive courses on running at Gaozailitai. Held in a webinar format over two days lasting hours. Participants will receive assignments at the end of which they will be certified. Online marketing courses cover everything from the basics to setting up dynamic remarketing. In the Internet. * L' N5 f W' z. z/ f' {
; n8 ?3 [& P0 N4 _: ? 0 c' `: A1 O# i! D: b- V4 [0 V5 x# _ 7 x6 n! N7 w* m# [Marketing Online Courses channel I aim to share short videos and recordings of webinars on using the internal system. There are many things that are useful for beginners and some points that experienced experts may not know. The channel's targeted advertising automation service publishes hours of its tutorial videos. Seriously you can look at the material for a long time. Tutorials and courses from the basics to setting up social media pixels through. 9 r4 e8 p. o! m* H# b8 d: Q" q
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