Get acquainted with typeform's quiz builder.An . Image of a typeform quizcontent is fire, social media is gasolinethis one's from jay baer, . And it's hot. Raise your hand if you've ever taken a quiz resembling "What tv . Series character are you?" or "Which soft drink flavor best describes your personality?" these personality . Quizzes are so entertaining they verge on addicting. And the best ones collect thousands and . Even hundreds of thousands of responses.In fact, rare is the realization that these quizzes are . Promoting a brand or product, unless the euphoria is interrupted by an annoying demand for .
An email address. Be chill. If the journey's smooth, people will enthusiastically provide an email . Address to stay updated on upcoming quizzes and company news. They might even share it . On social media. (read: for a business, the italy dataset hits just keep on coming.)here's a cool . Take on the personality quiz by beardbrand:a typeform quiz from beardbrandquizzes can help you engage . Your audience and build—over time—brand awareness and loyalty. Let's look at why they cut through . The noise.Why do quizzes work so well for lead generation?The simple answer is that quizzes .
Offer people a personalized result. It's one of the more effective ways for businesses to . Simply say: your voice matters to me. I get you.Quizzes can also be the driving . Force for several different lead generation strategies. For example:lead segmentation. Based on respondents' scored results, . You can aggregate the data to create personas for your product-market fit model. It can . Also be a useful approach for personalizing the offers or products showcased to respondents or . Used for future communications (follow-up emails, blog articles, etc).