Create sources of income In addition, it creates sources of income thanks to the promotion provided by content shared on social networks. MASTER IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Join the digital change! Train me in Community Management! Improve the customer shopping experience Improve the customer shopping experience.
This includes everything from searching for information Phone Number List to locating the desired product and then finalizing the purchase. Boost interaction between customers On the other hand, it promotes interaction between customers , generating trust with the brand in the long term thanks to the possibility of sharing opinions and reviews of the products and services offered among them. This extends the buying-selling cycle.

Create an objective and impartial space Finally, it also creates an objective and impartial space so that those customers who are undecided about the purchase can come and request information. and social commerce The differences between ecommerce and social commerce are several. On the one hand, e-commerce broadly covers the process of buying and selling products online. The model is convenient, but it is far from perfect.