Facilities for all group administrators Thanks to the power of discussion groups on Facebook the creator of this website decided to make them even more attractive. Groups have received several new features to be even closer to your audience. Scheduling posts With this feature you can schedule your post for any time of day and date. Statistics After the update administrators have access to statistics that collect the most important information about the group users and posts. Thanks to them you can determine which posts bring the most traffic.; `/ V, n! Y6 z7 m8 R- q
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Members From the very beginning as an administrator you can decide who will join your group. Thanks to the new features it is possible to exclude unwanted users who clutter groups from the very beginning. Facebook Groups photo retouching Summary Running a company fanpage combined with a discussion group can bring a lot of benefits. By following the above tips you can naturally advertise your company and attract potential customers Remember! Not quantity but quality You don't have to have thousands of members for your group to be helpful./ l: d; u$ ^7 h; F
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7 `. g w w: n/ i* Y; {The most important are active users who are really interested in this topic.YouTube positioning Video Guide YouTube is one of the largest websites in the world which was bought by Google for the staggering sum of $. billion in . The website allows you to post videos available all over the world for free and thanks to its rapid development it reaches almost all Internet users. New technology has also allowed such as youtuber or influencer. As you can see YouTube has enormous potential for promoting its materials such as vlogs guides or presentations. 8 P0 N- j# g' w5 i* G9 E# z7 c9 y # W2 |* p) W6 Z4 l' ]- c r1 l( y9 h: [" j. Y