We love to check our business or private emails and social media web pages during work time but at the end of the day we must understand that our brain gets tired of all this paralel processing MARY WATKINS DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY Iam delighted to read this excellent article it is always good to have evidence to back up one s opinions It is also a great stress reliever to leave work for a regular period which promotes good mental health. DR SHANTHA P YAHANPATH LECTURER MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT AGAPE INTERNATIONAL Great article.
As a lecturer in Finance and Strategy I firmly believe some of my students will be able to increase their output if they switch off their phones for a while. Also as a consultant and coach I have come across Heavy Construction Contractors Email List executives almost addicted to their phones. They too agree that their performance is adversely affected by phones. this little gadget is a great invention one should not let it take over you . I take the example of a sharp double edged sword. Dr Shantha P Yahanpath ROSEANN FITZGERALD Although I do not have a smartphone for my work I do have one for personal use that can access my work email.
I think the best way to create a Predictable Time Off period is to have a clear understanding when your colleagues are working and or on vacation. When I m on vacation or begin my weekend I go into my settings on my Iphone and just turn off the mail so I cannot access my inbox. It s a very healthy thing to do And when you re back on the job just turn your inbox on again. ANONYMOUS Hi being in the conditions that the world is always on You have to be very self confident and independent to start this process.