It makes things simple. You dont have to invest a lot of resources into creating a goal that may not be achievable you can tap into an existing audience. With over million podcasts today there are plenty of opportunities for you to be interviewed. But how do you find these opportunities An easy way to do this is to Google the top podcasts in your niche. However most of them are popular and difficult to get started with. A better approach is to find a similarly talented person in your industry who has been a guest on multiple podcasts.
For example Laura Roeder the founder of on many podcasts in our industry. To discover her podcast lets paste into Ahrefs website analytics go to the Backlinks report set the search dropdown to Referring Pages and search for her name. Now the links in the Citing Phone Number List column are almost always podcasts. Once youve identified a podcast youd like to be a part of market yourself as a guest .
Nurture leads with email marketing Farnam Street receives over organic visits per month These viewers can see his blog where he actively solicits contact information Every week Farnam Street founder Shane sends out a newsletter that includes his posts from that week Its like a flywheel email distributes blog content to an existing email list and blogs build that list by reaching new visitors and obtaining their contact information. This communication between emails and blogs also helps build his audience. It helps that in the earliest stages of the buyers journey closer to the buy stage his brand is always top of mind.