The following obligations on e-commerce operators: showing the lowest product price from the last days before the promotion for items marked with a promotion, show the end time of the promotion, informing customers about how you collect and verify product reviews visible on the store's website, providing users with a telephone number where they can get help regarding the goods you sell, adapting the regulations and privacy policy to ongoing changes. The Goods and Digital Directive regulates the rules on returns, complaints and warranty for both physical goods and digital products delivered electronically. Paid campaigns for electronics appliances Photo .
Example of presenting prices of products covered by the promotion in accordance with the Omnibus Directive. Source: Westwing.pl What challenges do these changes pose for marketers The Omnibus Directive not only introduced changes in the Algeria WhatsApp Number presentation of products, or rather their prices, in online stores. Information about the lowest product price from the last days before the promotion should also be included on all promotional materials used to create resources for PPC advertising. Read also: Product opinions how to get them and why are they so important in the context of the omnibus directive PPC.
advertising in the household appliances electronics industry new rules of the game You already know about the latest directives such as Omnibus and the Goods and Digital Directive. Remember that their provisions are also reflected in PPC advertising and the new rules introduced at the beginning of must also be implemented when creating paid advertising campaigns on the Internet. What should you absolutely avoid to avoid breaking the law First and foremost, PPC ads must comply with the law. So what do you need to avoid at all costs do not use nudity in advertising creations, comply with the ban on promoting prescription drugs, do not advertise alcohol, marriage services or gambling, any advertisements for credit .