How much money you can make is also offering you to set up your own mobile proxies farm from which you can earn money. The bigger you have a farming setup the more money you can make money. Now the question is howwith which mobile device you can use to make money. You can use any Android devicesetup it any of your free spaces it can be in your office, apartmentin your car as well. It may sound weird but people are doing proxy farming in cars as well.How much money you can make? Everything depends on the number of proxies you sell. Generally India Lead you can earn , RUBmonth from a single phone for Russian proxies. For European proxies, you may earn around -month with a single phone. As the US market is so demanding so the earnings will be high hereyou can earn from -month from a single phone. If you are from CIS region proxies Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Armenia, etc. then your earnings may be around month with a single phone. If you increase the number of phonesbuild a farm then you can make huge money with this.
Let’s calculate if you sell mobile proxies in Russia then you can make around ,, RUBmonthfor other countries you can calculate by yourself. Why is Better Than Others? Proxy You will save a lot of money using If you buy ready made proxies you will pay much more than if you make proxies by yourself using With the you pay just or orUSDmonth and the tariff of sim card.