They are not words that were invented blindly.
smoothly Source :What is copywriting? How important is it to marketing? POSTED ON BY WACHIRA THONGSUK Copywriting Copywriting – Every marketer knows that one of the most important elements of advertising. And successful marketing is inevitably sending brand and business messages to consumers or target groups using "advertising words" which are considered an important process that all lead to creating awareness that reflects the value of Brands go out to the public. Copywriters or people behind messages such as beautiful slogans are memorable.But you must go through a deep thought process in creating various mes BSB Directory sages. Today Talka will take everyone to understand what copywriting is and how important it is to marketing. As well as the role and duties of the writer of advertising copy in brief. So that everyone can better understand the details and importance of this line of work. list of contents What is Copywriting? Duties of a Copywriter Things you should know about copywriting WHAT IS COPYWRITING? What is Copywriting? When we think of the worldfamous sports brand Nike two things come to mind that reflect Nike's identity: the iconic .
Swoosh" which is designed to recall the wings of the Greek goddess from which the company is named and the slogan "Just Do." It” is a threeword phrase created in by Dan Wieden an advertising executive. It later became instantly synonymous with the company that started in the running shoe business and now dominates most of the athletic footwear industry. With worldfamous athletes from various sports from Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant to Roger Federer and Neymar all appearing in Nike commercials repeating the same three words Nike has finally been able to It has unquestionably cemented its status as a key player in its own industry.