his is the second major question that we
Which brings us to the second point, an essential point for understanding how to prospect well despite Covid The buyer makes the majority of his decisions based on emotion and then seeks to rationalize it to reassure himself. However, in this period of recession, your prospect is immersed in anxiety, fear, uncertainty To prospect well on the Internet or elsewhere, you must encourage your prospects to expose these negative emotions of the moment to you and encourage them to visualize the positive emotions they could feel while working with you. Said like that, it may seem very theoretical to you.In the Webinar video, we take an example that will definitely speak to you if you like Mario video Albania WhatsApp Number gamescta training prospecting on linkedin SLN Academy How to properly prospect on LinkedIn to convert? T were asked in this Webinar about web prospecting. A remark that will definitely speak to you in the chatadding contacts on LinkedIn is easy, but how do you start the conversation and convert? » Adding contacts by the shovel is not enough to prospect well on LinkedIn . You must have a precise prospecting plan.
The first thing to stop immediately is sending copypaste messages that introduce your business and your products or services. These messages do not provide value and are simply inaudible in the context in which we currently find ourselves. To properly prospect on the Internet and on social networks, in times of Covid or not, you must understand the maturity level of your prospects in order to send them content with high added value, corresponding to their questions and concerns. expectations emotions at the heart of purchasing considerations Immerse yourself in this diagram, it should punctuate your commercial prospecting.