One thing: it costs $20 per month.
Good Instagram copy (it’s 2017, that’s a thing) works in conjunction, or as a supplement to the main event: the photo. If the public photography of food stuffs, baked or otherwise, is a source of embarrassment for you (it is for some people), you’ll not want to waste the effort on distracting copy. Kill your darlings!4. Use the right scheduling toolThere are some pretty thorough articles out there on this subject—here’s one, and here’s another—and I recommend reading all of them (avoiding, obviously, those that seem biased toward one tool or another). Post scheduling is something you don’t want to mess around with.Instagram has long prided itself on being Benin WhatsApp Number an app of “spontaneous posting,” and therefore does not allow third-party apps to post for you.You know that awesome bulk scheduling tool you get in Facebook Business Manager? Yeah, there’s nothing of the sort in the Instagram UI. And no third-party posting means that apps like Hootsuite and Sprout Social have their hands tied.The best these apps can do is send a pin to your smartphone—i.e., here is the post you scheduled, from your desktop, to appear on this date and time, now copy/paste the text to Instagram and post with your smartphone. This isn’t the worst thing in the world.
It just means you have to remember to be on your phone when you get the reminder. Obviously not the best thing in the world, either.Your other option is to pay for a third-party app to outsource your scheduled posts to tech farms in Ukraine, India, and elsewhere. It’s a hands-off alternative. They’ll send your posts for you. But you risk having your account suspended.The following list of third-party apps is far from comprehensive, but comes from a guy who has made a mistake or two (or three) in the social game and feels thus inclined to expound upon his own tomfoolery.ScheduGram: Check the forums: ScheduGram is the undisputed king of third-party posting. You can post videos, manage filters, post the first comment (important feature, more on that shortly), and integrate Canva for edits. Instagram seems to more or less allow ScheduGram to do its thing—few, if any accounts using it get suspended.