Integration of microcredentials into
Degree programs In fact, degree programs and micro-credentials don't have to compete with each other. There is a growing trend that shows higher ed institutions embed micro-credentials industry certifications into their programs to elevate the employability of their students and the value of the degree they are offering. In the introduction, we mentioned the enrollment cliff and it’s coming in . So now is the time to start planning to see how you can offer value to students looking at a degree or course with the eye to kickstarting or advancing their careers. For theAmerican Marketing Association, microcredentials have helped to advance the careers of professional marketers. AMA has been in partnership with DMI in the professional certification space for years but now that’s expanding. Students Exit Mobile Number List enrolled in DMI-accredited higher education programs in the US will now graduate with an Associate Level industry certification from both DMI and AMA, in addition to their degree. “We are thrilled to be offering a microcredential product to students through universities,” says Soat. ”There's such a value in this experiential learning to make your university stand out. Professors, marketing departments and business schools all do an incredible job of transferring that knowledge. It's that combination of employable skills and
knowledge that’s really going to make students job-ready.” You can find out more about this new AMA & DMI microcredential and accreditation here. “ of employers say they are more likely to hire candidates that have a DMI certification on their CV” DMI Corporate Skills Gap and Training Survey,Update your marketing curriculum with easeHelp your students build key soft skills Soft skills have become increasingly important to employers in recent years. As the demand of the marketplace .