Blog posts were responsible
A the media, including the New York Times and USA Today Pepsi released a commercial in that featured Kendall Jenner attending a protest and offering a police officer a can of Pepsi. Pepsi says the message should be “unity, peace and understanding,” but since the spot was totally unbelievable and unrealistic, it wasn't well received at all. While the campaign came at the right time as police protests were dividing the country, and Pepsi certainly meant well, the campaign was completely unbelievable and seemed staged. The commercial was total crap and the fans didn't mince words.Pepsi removed the video, but it was later re-uploaded and received over , negative reactions!) The whole thing brought a ton of negative publicity to Pepsi. The company learned this the hard way and should serve as a warning to other companies. It's not just large philippines photo editor companies that can really annoy their fans, it can also happen to small and medium-sized companies. SaleCycle experienced this through its own suffering . The BB company wanted to produce more content and offer more to its readers. So far so good. So SaleCycle published two to three new articles per week, more than ever before. Unfortunately the quality suffered.
Now the company had new blog posts, but only ten of thosefor half of all blog traffic . What was the issue? Readers simply weren't interested in the topics. Although more content was produced, that content was not relevant. This shows us once again that advertising has to come at the right time, but it also has to be relevant. Both have to be right. Currently not relevant (or vice versa) doesn't work. You have to really listen to your customers' needs to be successful. Although the strategy of Pepsi and SaleCycle came at the right time, it was not relevant and therefore was not well received by the target group. Ultimately, the customer decides whether your message is current and relevant, so your customer must.