Same screenshot as above.
Screenshot of a bar chart showing the distribution of location ratings for Chapel Hill.
Review high-priority geographic areas.
Now, with the segmented rank tracking setup, you'll be able to get a good measure of your ranking in each position. Doing so can help you better analyze your top geographic areas. This can help you better focus your strategy, even if you manage a large number of locations.
For example, at our office in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, we can see that 67% of the keywords we track rank on page one:
However, when we looked at visibility in Fairfax, Virginia, we found france whatsapp data that only 36% of tracking queries were in the same location.
Bar chart showing the distribution of ratings in the Fairfax area.
The data shows us that we are not ranked as well in Fairfax as in Chapel Hill. If Fairfax is a high priority area for us, we are willing to focus our efforts on evaluating this market. Maybe our content isn’t as strong here, or maybe there’s more competition here. Regardless, keyword segmentation gives us an idea of where to focus our efforts in the future.
Create location-based pages
Another important element of a franchise SEO campaign is making sure you create location pages for each service area. This will give your website a chance to appear in geo-specific queries for your primary keywords. As mentioned before, Google naturally localizes results for many industries, which means these pages may also appear for general keywords that don't use geomodifiers ("lawn care services").